The human hair growth cycle consists of three main stages. Understanding each stage will enable you to apply the most suitable care and treatment to maximize hair quality. This is especially important for sufferers of hair loss. The hair on your body is usually found in varying stages of growth, which respond to different treatments. Tracking each stage of the hair cycle could drastically improve regrowth methods to achieve ideal results.

Anagen Stage

This is the active growth phase. Cells within hair roots will divide rapidly to expand your hair shaft. Your hair will be growing at an exponential rate, roughly half and inch every month. The anagen process will last for about 2-6 years before moving on to the catagen stage.

Approximately 80-90% of it is found in this stage at any point in time. However, some individuals suffer from a condition known as anagen effluvium where clumps of hair might fall out. Common causes include chemotherapy agents, toxins, and autoimmune diseases such as alopecia areata. Scalp cooling treatment may be applied during chemotherapy to offset effects while toxic agents might be extracted to restore healthy hair growth.

Catagen Stage

Hair growth gradually stops in this stage. This is also the shortest phase in the growth cycle, lasting for only about 3 weeks. During the catagen stage, your hair follicles are cut off from the blood supply (dermal papilla and capillaries) responsible for growth. The hair that lingers in the knob within your scalp is known as club hair.

Roughly 15 percent of the hair on your head are club hairs at any time.

Telogen Stage

The final stage involves new hair growing and pushing club hair out to replace them. The average person lose about 60-100 hair per day in the telogen stage. This process lasts for about 3-4 months. New hair will then restart the cycle from the anagen stage.

Some individuals may experience telogen effluvium, which causes hair loss at a rapid rate. The condition may be caused by chronic stress or imbalanced diets. Since the condition is reactive, treatment involves rectifying the underlying problem, through dietary supplements and stress relief therapy.

Hair loss is a highly treatable condition. With the right approach, sufferers will be able to restore their natural hair growth cycles in no time. At New-U, our custom, non-surgical hair restoration solutions are virtually undetectable to both sight and touch. To schedule a free consultation call us at +1 (585) 272 7320 or contact us to schedule a free consulation.

Photo Credit: Engin_Akyurt Via Pixabay

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