Hair grows approximately six inches per year, depending on various factors — including the time of year. However, during a single hair’s lifespan, it can grow to an average of 18 to 30 inches. This is based on an average 3-5 year growing phase, which is then followed by two additional phases. By understanding these phases and the hair growth cycle as a whole, it becomes easier to pinpoint common hair issues and, in some cases, resolve them.
The Four Stages of Hair Growth
Human hair grows from underneath the skin, as hair follicles are fed nutrients via blood vessels. This is why nutrition often plays a role in hair health.
Although there are four main phases, all of which contribute to normal, healthy hair growth, each hair follicle is independent. This means that each hair goes through the full hair growth cycle at varying times.
In turn, a healthy head of hair will shed around 80 to 100 hairs per day. The stages are as follows.
The anagen stage is what’s known as the “growing” phase. This stage can last anywhere between two and seven years, and determines the total hair length.
The next stage is known as the “transition” phase, and typically lasts around ten days. During this time, the hair follicle begins to shrink in order to detach from the follicle dermal papilla.
The final stage is the “resting” phase. This period typically lasts around three months — and at any given time, approximately 10 to 15 percent of hairs are in the telogen phase. During this time, a new hair enters the growing phase.
This is the secondary part of the resting phase which results in old hair falling out. As the old hairs shed, new hairs begin to take its place. It is when hairs begin the resting phase too rapidly that excess shedding occurs, resulting in noticeable thinning.
While these stages are straightforward, there are many variables that can impact healthy hair growth. Understanding these variables can help those suffering from hair loss target possible complications. At New-U, our staff of caring hair restoration specialists can help you find the perfect solution for your specific hair loss needs, regardless of cause or hair type. To schedule your free consultation contact New-U Hair Replacement Specialists today!