Why Caring for Your Emotional Health is Important When You Have Hair Loss


Hair loss is distressing for many people, so if you have problems with alopecia or thinning, it is essential to prioritize your emotional health. What people don't always realize is that mental health problems such as depression and anxiety can make hair loss worse. Here's why you need to look after your mental and physical health when you have issues with hair loss.

How Hair Loss Affects Mental Health

Over 60% of men and 50% of women will experience hair loss during their lifetimes, so issues relating to hair loss are common. However, research highlights that almost a third of women with hair loss experience symptoms of depression. In addition, stress is a major factor in hair loss. For example, women who are stressed are 11 times more likely to experience hair loss. Emotional distress can both lead to and be a result of hair loss, so it is essential to get support, even if you think you feel fine.

Body Image and Hair Loss

Another factor affecting emotional health in people with hair loss is their appearance. Unsurprisingly, 81% of women feel positive when their hair looks great. However, another research study in the USA identified that 81% of women with hair loss viewed it negatively and could portray that person negatively.

Hair loss has also been linked to marital problems and job loss, which lead to more issues with anxiety and depression. For these reasons alone, getting help and support to live positively with hair loss is essential, as it can wreck more than body image and appearance if left unchecked.

How to Get Support for Emotional Health

It is completely normal to feel anxious and upset about hair loss; therefore, getting help from a psychologist or peer support group is vital, especially if you have never experienced hair loss. If you work, speak to your human resources department about the support they can offer, particularly with any adaptations in the workplace. They might also help with awareness raising so employees are more sensitive and attuned to the support you may need, especially if you are in a public-facing role. 

Don't forget to check out what support you can get to improve the appearance of thinning hair or alopecia. For example, there are wigs and hairpieces that look realistic and help give you a positive image and a confidence boost.

If you're experiencing hair loss, contact New-U today by clicking here.

Photo Credit: phmaxiestevez Via Pixabay

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