The Psychological Effects of Hair Loss

For many people, hair is a core part of their identity. It expresses how they feel and who they are. It’s not surprising, then, that so many experience negative psychological effects when they start losing their hair.

Hair Loss and Depression

Numerous studies show that men with hair loss experience symptoms of depression. According to surveys, anywhere from 20% to 40% report feeling depressed because of thinning or receding hair.

Women seem to have even more negative responses to hair loss, likely because they feel hair is so essential to their identities and fewer women have visible hair loss than men. While plenty of men feel depressed about their hair loss, many male celebrities have thinning hair or bald heads. It’s nearly impossible to think of a female sex icon with thin hair. When women with hair loss look for examples of celebrated people who look like them, they almost always come up short.

Hair Loss and Isolation

It can feel belittling when someone points out your hair loss to others. Imagine going to a social event expecting to have a good time, but a close friend or relative mentions your thinning hair. It draws a lot of unwanted attention that can cause embarrassment and shame. Eventually, some people decide they prefer isolation to public humiliation. Some men and women even report calling in sick to work so don’t feel judged in a public setting.

The CDC notes that isolation poses a long list of health risks. Social isolation has been linked to increased rates of dementia, depression, anxiety, heart failure, and strokes.

Hair Loss Denial

While some people avoid social situations, others pretend that they aren’t losing their hair. When confronted with unwanted emotions, they refuse to believe it’s true. Some people will recognize that they’re losing their hair, but they refuse to accept their feelings about their changing appearance.

Both approaches can damage a person’s self-esteem in the long run. As hair loss progresses, it becomes undeniably apparent. That forces people to ignore their feelings instead of confronting them in healthy ways. Some people turn to alcohol and other drugs in an attempt to suppress those feelings.

The Hair Loss Treatments Your Deserve

Losing your hair might disrupt your self-esteem, but the feelings don’t have to last long. Plenty of treatment options can help you adjust to your changing appearance or take control of your looks.

You might want to explore options like hair prostheses that cover thin areas of the scalp, medications that stimulate hair growth, and talking to a counselor to deal with negative emotions. What matters most is that you address the issue instead of adopting unhealthy habits in an attempt to hide from it.

If you're suffering from hair loss, New-U can help. To schedule a free consultation, click here.

Photo Credit: hamedmehrnik Via Pixabay

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